Cisco Buying Program Awareness Overview & Quick Reference Guide
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BPA is implemented utilizing the EA Smart Account during the quoting process.
Once the Smart Account is applied, the BPA capability is triggered in CCW.
- The Customer has an active Buying Program Agreement OR purchases an Agreement and Hardware together.
- There is a valid customer Smart Account.
- The Hardware SKU is BPA eligible.
Please engage the CX Software Lifecycle Customer Success Manager to help answer these questions.
- When and how is the customer going to use this hardware?
- Does the customer have available licenses in their enterprise agreement?
- When is the enterprise agreement's anniversary date?
- Is this hardware supporting the same business that owns the enterprise agreement?
The step-by-step Quoting and Ordering process begins on page 17 of the Buying Program (BPA) Overview for EA, MSEA, and SPNA document.
Users have 2-options to purchase HW without embedded software and provision license(s) directly from EAWS:
*To select an Opt-Out PID, look for a PID that includes "OPTOUT" or "CNDL-DESELECT."
See the Buying Program Aware mapping guide for a complete list of eligible SKUs.
To select an Opt-Out PID, look for a PID that includes "OPTOUT" or "CNDL-DESELECT."
*DNA Switches ship with mandatory embedded license
- Customer has existing licenses available they would like to use
- Customer will use licenses from the EA, which will be generated at the time they are needed
- Customer has a business entity outside of the one allocated to the EA
- Expressed desire to manage the licenses ALC (outside of the EA scope)
- When ordering mandatory licenses separately (Disti use case)
- Customer using alternate systems mgt. tool: UCSM, UCS Central, IMC Supervisor
- The devices are being used as spares and without immediate need for licensing
- Licenses are not included with the hardware purchase
To select an "opt-out" PID, choose the relevant PID that includes "OPTOUT" or "CNDL-DESELECT."
By selecting an "opt out" PID, the PID will not be co-termed and consumption will not be tracked as part of the EA.
There are use cases where it is appropriate to "Opt-Out" of BPA when ordering Day 2 HW for your EA.
By selecting an "Opt-Out" or ordering "Naked HW," the customer will not receive a SW license and assumes the responsibility to generate the license directly in EAWS.
Selecting "Opt-Out" does not exempt the user from product specific mandatory attach policies and the customer should provision licenses directly from EAWS or applicable dashboard to remain compliant.
- The distributor places a HW only order for inventory purposes
- The HW device(s) is purchased as a spare (i.e backup router) without the immediate need for licensing
- HW only refresh where customer previously purchased license (EA or ALC)
- To complete a HW refresh, leverage the license migration capability in EAWS
- HW and SW sold on different transactions (i.e. different partners for HW/SW)
- Expressed desire to manage license via EAWS provisioning to align with device deployment
- Day 1 refers to a scenario where the EA is purchased at the same time as the HW
- HW may ship before or after the EA start date
- Because the EA virtual account is not yet active, user should create a temporary virtual account. Do not use the default virtual account.
- 1-Tier Partners can use the same Deal ID to purchase the EA + HW
- Distributor / 2-Tier Partners must use separate Deal IDs for EA and HW order(s)
- BPA does not apply for Distributor / 2-Tier Partners. Users must obtain an LOA and have a manual discount applied.
- Day 2 refers to a scenario where HW is purchased after the EA is active
- Users should validate the virtual account if the purchase is for net new HW or expansion HW
- User should reference the BPA opt-out scenarios (see section above) if purchase is for HW refresh
- Tier 1 Partners, Tier 2 Partners, and Distributors can follow the standard process for ordering Day 2 HW
Reach out to the CX Software Lifecycle Team if you have any questions or need assistance.
This content is updated by Cisco regularly. This page was last updated 02/27/2025.