via Global Town Hall 2023 | GTH 2023

Global Town Hall provides high-caliber discussions and debates on the state of the world involving leading minds worldwide. It aims to expose global citizens to various perspectives and ideas on addressing global challenges.

Since 2020, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia initiated and has been running the international consortium of reputable think tanks, universities, civil society organizations, and non-governmental organizations to convene the Global Town Hall. It is a collaborative effort between more than 150 participating partners from around the globe.

Global Town Hall has gathered over 12,000 people from over 140 countries. The virtual conference featured speeches from the President of the European Commission, Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, Australia, China, the European Union, the United Arab Emirates, France, South Africa, India, Russia, and the leaders of various international organizations.

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Conference Session 10
Saturday, 2 September 2023
20:15 - 21:15 (GMT+7)

In a photo taken in 1927 Marie Curie appears as the only woman seated among many male scientists during the 5th Solvay Conference. Fast forward to 96 years later in another Solvay Conference, the group photo is very much different. In place of a lone Marie Curie, many more women are in the picture. The two photos are evidence of how women's influence has significantly grown over the years. The role of women has become indispensable to the modern age. Their involvement gives rise to rapid economic growth and triggers innovation in many sectors. Their contributions have changed the world so much for the better. 

They will discuss the necessity of transformative investments particularly in ensuring adolescent girls' access to education and health care while upholding their bodily autonomy. The panel is expected to call on the audience to join Global Citizen and FPCI in advocacy for women's economic power and to support investment in women as drivers of change.


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