Data Protection and Privacy

Data Protection and Privacy

Secure your most valuable asset

The amount data generated by large organizations is exploding. So too are strict regulations about how data is stored and shared. CISOs must safeguard more data than ever before but can't do so at the cost of business operations and innovation. It's a challenging balancing act but not an impossible one with a strong data protection and privacy capability. 

We can help you:

  • Maintain a data inventory
  • Classify data based on criticality
  • Establish data ownership
  • Control access to sensitive information

Our Services

Data Protection and Privacy Workshop

Data lives everywhere and carries varying degrees of risk to your organization. We help you apply best practices for protecting data and maintaining compliance across your enterprise.  

Data Discovery and Classification

The first step to good data security is to understand where your data lives and how it is used. We identify and classify your data to determine system dependencies and connections.

Gap and Risk Assessment

Leakage of sensitive information is one of the greatest risks to any organization. We help you identify where your organization holds the most risk when it comes to data protection. 

Privacy Assessment (CCPA, GDPR)

As data privacy regulations increase, knowing how to maintain compliance can be overwhelming. We help you develop a privacy program based on your current level of exposure and regulatory trends. 

Cloud Data Security Assessment

More business-critical data lives in the cloud. We help you ensure your cloud data is secure and compliant yet accessible to data owners. 

Data Protection Assessment

Operational excellence is key to protecting data. We use data risk models and industry frameworks to create a complete data security program.