Customer Support
Learn how WWT customers with a account can submit, track, and manage specific support requests directly through
In order to submit & manage support cases on, you are required to have a account set-up. If you do not already have an account, you can quickly & easily create an one by following the instructions here: Create an Account
Submit a New Support Case
- Sign in to
- On The Top Right Navigation Select: My Account > Support
3. Select "Request Support" button
4. Use drop-down arrow to select Request Type & select "Next"
Only 4 designated request types available via digital platform
5. Enter request details & select "Next"
Those with an asterisk (*) are required
6. Add any necessary attachments
- Drag & drop files or use "Click here to select" to upload files
7. Add watchlist members by typing in their email address & clicking "Add"
- They will receive email notifications that allow them to track or reply to comment on the case
8. Select "Submit Request"
- You will receive a pop-up confirmation message, as well as an email notification confirmation of your submission
Video Walk-through
Here is a how-to video that details the steps above:
Access & Manage Existing Support Cases
- Sign in to
- Select My Account > Support Cases
- In the Support Cases listing, you will see all active cases with status, description, case number, and submission date
- Access any current case by clicking on the case name
- You can respond via the digital platform
- Or you can respond via email by replying to the email notifications for the case
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