Workshop8 hours

Interconnection Oriented Architecture Workshop

Traditional architectural models relied heavily on carrier-based WAN circuits to provide the connections between an organization and their business partners and cloud and SaaS providers. Demanding new applications and integrated business models demand a new type of infrastructure that can become the fabric of business connectivity. In this workshop, customers will learn the concepts of Interconnection Oriented Architecture (IoA) and see some of the resources and reference designs relevant to your modern networks.

What to Expect

We will discuss the benefits of IoA and how to architect your network to benefit from the resilience and performance of IoA designs. You'll benefit from the following:
  • Understanding the benefits and savings derived from an IoA approach
  • Learn how to deploy an IoA in your organization
  • Industry standards and best practices

Goals & Objectives

Connectivity is crucial to every successful business. The right connectivity can be a business advantage.  In this workshop our engineers will describe:

  • How IoA can improve your business-to-business connectivity while reducing the cost and complexity of connecting
  • The benefits of IoA and how to architect your network to benefit from the resilience and performance of IoA designs
  • How IoA offers dramatic performance improvements over traditional connectivity options while also providing benefits to multi-cloud initiatives.