M365 Copilot Strategy Accelerator

Infusing AI into workflows with 365 Copilot is the new standard for boosting workforce effectiveness & productivity. What is your organization doing about it? WWT's M365 Copilot Strategy Accelerator prepares your organization's workforce for the adoption of cutting-edge AI productivity tools within Microsoft's Copilot for the Modern Workforce.

What to Expect

By aligning end-user needs, business objectives and technology requirements, your organization will gain a clear picture and roadmap for how AI can best support the business in the realm of employee experience and workforce productivity.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Give your workforce the tools they need to be to operate effectively.
  • Cost Reduction: Optimize workflows and reduce operational expenses through the latest AI tool capabilities.
  • Operationalize Benefits: Build an adoption plan to enable users, ensuring recommended tools achieve real value.
  • Innovative Edge: Stay ahead of the curve by leveraging the latest AI productivity tools.


The M365 Copilot Strategy Accelerator is a 2 week engagement that helps enterprises and public sector organizations evaluate their employee workflows and needs to best match appropriate AI and automation tools to improve workforce productivity and effectiveness. 

The accelerator delivers a comprehensive report that includes recommended AI productivity tools, ROI analysis, business case, and implementation & adoption plan. The report is based on WWT's industry experience, third-party research, and alignment with your organization's strategic goals and priorities.

Goals & Objectives

The goals and objectives of the M365 Copilot Strategy Accelerator are to:

  • Review your organization's M365 Maturity for Copilot readiness
  • Identify and prioritize use cases for M365 Copilot for the Modern Workforce in user productivity workflows
  • Map current and target workflows to potential solutions
  • Compare potential solutions through the lens of your workforce and its distinct employee personas, along with your business, and technical requirements, inclusive of ROI and ease of implementation/adoption
  • Provide a clear and compelling business case for investing in AI productivity tools
  • Recommend a plan to adopt the tools and measure the outcomes


AI Productivity Strategy Report

  • Recommended workflows/personas for 365 Copilot customized to your organization
  • Analysis including ROI of cost on workflows./personas
  • Roadmap for M365 Copilot adoption including maturing your environment
  • Plan for effective adoption of Copilot integrations for your Use Cases

Exec AI Productivity Strategy Readout
