Advanced Configuration Lab

Solution overview

Dynamically orchestrating security infrastructure is needed when an organization needs to seamlessly move traffic from one active security solution to another, and then change or update the first security solution. This process is performed without interrupting traffic flow or allowing encrypted traffic to bypass without a security check. When swapping out a security solution there may be a need to bypass that solution entirely. When updating a security solution, customers may only want to bypass the solution temporarily without interrupting the traffic flow, traffic decryption and inspection for the rest of the solutions in your security stack. Customers may want to direct traffic streams to new security solutions in a dynamic service chain to try them out.

F5's SSL orchestrater simplifies many security solution changes while reducing time, cost and impact. It also alleviates potential traffic bypass and potential exploitation. By orchestrating the security stack, customers can streamline and minimize the often time-consuming and inefficient security change-management process, reducing the risk of time-consuming negative consequences. In the following lab you will be utilizing the following solutions:

  • F5 SSLO
  • F5 Adv-WAF
  • F5 BIG-IP

Lab diagram



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