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4 results found
Introduction to Optical Networking Training - WDM Fundamentals
This video is part of an ongoing training playlist, which reviews the fundamentals of Optical Networking. This first video module explains an overview of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and how this technology functions in an optical networking system.
• 12:34
• Aug 21, 2023
Introduction to Optical Networking Training - Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop multiplexer (ROADM) Fundamentals
This video is part of an ongoing training playlist, which reviews the fundamentals of Optical Networking. This module gives an overview of reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) and how they function in an optical transport system. It provides a thorough overview of the the evolution of the Optical add-drop multiplexer to a software configurable ROADM.
• 12:35
• Aug 21, 2023
Introduction to Optical Networking Training - Transponders and Muxponders Fundamentals
This video is part of an ongoing training playlist, which reviews the fundamentals of Optical Networking. This module explains an overview of transponders and muxponders and how they function in an optical transport system. It provides a thorough overview of the end to end signal flow, of transparently sending Client Signals across a DWDM equipped point to point optical transport link.
• 7:38
• Aug 21, 2023
Introduction to Optical Networking Training - Optical Amplifier Fundamentals
This video is part of an ongoing training playlist, which reviews the fundamentals of Optical Networking. This module provides an overview of optical amplifiers and how they function in an optical transport system, as well as the types of optical amplifiers and the benefits of amplifying an optical signal.
• 12:33
• Aug 21, 2023