Workshop3 hours

Software-Defined Access Workshop

As organizations strive to become technology innovators, much of the focus has been on streamlining access to private data centers or SaaS applications. These innovations are being extended to address user access to the network, resulting in a better user experience and more efficient network operations while achieving a cost-effective solution. Cisco's Software-defined Access (SD-Access) helps to enable these business outcomes by modernizing the network to be more intent-driven and intuitive.

What to Expect

Work with our WWT experts directly to explore the following.

  • Gain an understanding of the SD Access architecture
  • Learn the benefits of the SD Access solution
  • See how Cisco DNA Center can deploy and manage your network
  • Understand how DNA Center deploys group based secure access and network segmentation

Goals & Objectives

Our SD-Access Workshop will review the architecture needs for implementing SD-Access, provide a demonstration of Cisco's SD-Access and DNA Center and then the workshop will wrap with a readiness discussion.

During this workshop, we use our proven methodology for analyzing requirements, prioritizing solution features and exploring solutions through hands-on comparisons. Attendees will walk away with these key insights:

  • Secure your organization and achieve regulatory compliance with end-to-end segmentation that keeps user, device and application traffic separate without redesigning the network
  • Improve your workforce experience by automating user access policy and applying the right policies for users or devices to any application across the network
  • Boost operational effectiveness by enabling a consistent user experience anywhere without compromise – all with a single network fabric


Our SD-Access Workshop will help develop a strategy to adopt a user-oriented network that is simple to deploy and maintain. In this workshop we cover how SD-Access provides automation, policy consistency, security, role-based access and seamless roaming.
