In this article

Healthcare organizations face many challenges due to increasing population and urbanization, longer life spans and increasingly sedentary lifestyles, not to mention long-standing battles with communicable diseases. These challenges are requiring healthcare providers to significantly change the way they operate. They must focus on delivering medicine that is tailored for each patient while also deepening their understanding of population health to better respond to patterns.

WWT has been working with healthcare organizations for decades to create technology solutions that improve care and outcomes. Through our Advanced Technology Center, our technology partners can help deliver exceptional results through artificial intelligence (AI). Intel processors, FPGAs and optimized frameworks are the foundation for edge-to-cloud solutions that accelerate workloads at each critical point.

We can work with you to meet your objectives using the artificial intelligence and advanced analytics that are possible today.

WWT focus areas for AI in healthcare


  • Optimize hospital staffing
  • Improve patient flows
  • Reduce paperwork/billing inefficiencies
  • Reduce unnecessary tests and procedures



  • Optimize payment plans
  • Streamline claims processing
