Workshop8 hours

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Workshop

Evaluating the frameworks of SASE and Security Services Edge (SSE)

Organizations today are recognizing the need to modernize their network architecture to support a secure, and consistent user experience. However, the network and security requirements to modernize a network architecture can be overwhelming, especially when trying to strategize business initiatives. Some of these initiatives can include hybrid workforce, multi-cloud integration, mobility, automation, digital transformation, AI analytics, visibility, and consistent security policies.

To address these evolving needs, World Wide Technology (WWT) offers a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Workshop. This workshop is designed to help organizations with their decision making for their next-generation network and security architecture.


What to Expect

The workshop begins with an overview of the client's current network infrastructure and security architecture. This interview style discussion helps identify use cases, business priorities, as well as opportunities for security tool rationalization. The 8 hour engagement can be broken up into several 2-4 hour sessions and include a final read out of the results.

  • During the workshop, WWT's five (5) SASE and SSE Go-to-Market OEMs are evaluated.
  • The goal is to identify and down-select the top two or three solutions that align closely with the client's network and security requirements.
  • This workshop is not a feature-by-feature comparison of the vendors. Rather the workshop's goal is to combine the client's unique weighted criteria with each individual OEM's abilities as determined by WWT's research and insights.
  • Over 80 criteria are organized into 7 overarching capability categories.
  • Each capability category is given an overall score based on these weights.

Goals & Objectives

OEM down selection is a key aspect of the workshop. WWT provides guidance and helps the client evaluate over 80 different SASE criteria and capabilities. This ensures that the chosen solution aligns with the customer's network and security priorities.

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The deliverable for this engagement is an approx. 30-page Workshop deliverable report. In the report, each capability measured is clearly defined and matrixes are included for a clear visual representation of the data. This document can serve as a stand-alone resource for a client's decision. However, it is strongly recommended that the report is used as a blueprint for further testing in our Advanced Technology Center, where the client can engage in a full, interactive Proof of Concept lab with the leading OEM contenders. 

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Who should attend?

Network Decision Makers, Security Decision Makers, Technical Decision Makers


  • Faster time to Decision: No more spending months in the ATC testing all the SASE and SSE OEMs against all of the possible criteria.​ The SASE Workshop allows us to narrow the scope of the ATC testing to two or three solutions. Furthermore, by focusing our validation testing on predefined critical capabilities, the mean time to decision is greatly reduced.
  • Foster Cooperation between the client's network and security teams: The OEM Evaluation Workshop requires the input from both the Network and Security teams in an organization. This is because SASE is the convergence of Wide Area Networking and a Cloud delivered Security Stack. To have a more consolidated pane of glass for both the network and security architectures. 
  • Strengthen Trusted Advisor Relationship between WWT and the Client: The Workshop is an important opportunity to have deep discussions with the client about things that matter to them. It is also an opportunity to showcase WWTs breadth of knowledge and insight.​
  • Insight into client's needs creates opportunity for post sales services: As we learn more about the client's environment, we open opportunities to discuss services that WWT can offer to help in training, procurement, and deployment of their chosen solution.​
  • Cost Savings to Pre-Sales engagement: While the Workshop is a paid for engagement, the overall cost of presales is reduced significantly when the client takes the time to down-select their OEMs of choice before entering a Lab Proof of Concept in the ATC. ​
