This article was originally published in August 2021 and updated in April 2024 to incorporate the latest hybrid work considerations. 

When organizations were forced to suddenly shift to remote work, many were caught unprepared and scrambled to implement ad-hoc solutions.  

There was no playbook detailing how to support employees during these uncertain times or a cheat sheet outlining must-have technology in a global pandemic. Even organizations that were already embracing work-from-anywhere strategies and technologies struggled under the scale of the change. 

Fast forward to today, and we've all learned a lot about business continuity and resilience, the digital employee experience and the importance of preparedness. And while parts of the world remain in lockdown and others have reopened, organizations across the globe can agree on one thing: hybrid work is a key component of the post-pandemic workplace — and, this time, they'll be ready for it.

To successfully support a hybrid workforce model, we've identified four key factors that digital workspace leaders must prioritize when managing their workforce and developing company policies.

WWT's four success factors for a hybrid workforce model
WWT's four success factors for a hybrid workforce model

1. Workforce distribution  

Our Dynamic Persona Assessment merges data and institutional knowledge to build a sustainable persona framework that can be used for business and technical decision making.
Our Dynamic Persona Assessment merges data and institutional knowledge to build a sustainable persona framework that can be used for business and technical decision making.

The first step of implementing a hybrid work model is determining which employees are best suited for remote work versus office-based work. For example, individual contributors and sales-focused roles often benefit from remote work, while creative or highly collaborative roles — marketing, design, R&D, engineering — tend to perform better with in-person, ad-hoc interaction.  

WWT's dynamic persona modeling methodology can help you determine the right structure for your workforce and company culture. Our approach brings together IT and line-of-business leaders to align end-user needs, technology requirements and business objectives. 

We utilize job descriptions, employee interviews, historical IT data and institutional knowledge to build dynamic personas, or groupings of end users that share common characteristics, services and requirements. This allows IT to provide more personalized support to employees and map specific personas to remote, semi-remote or office-based work.  

2. Hybrid workplace technology and design  

Before the pandemic, many organizations allowed employees to work from home occasionally. Now, remote work is part of the new normal. 

Employees rotate frequently — if not daily — between the office and remote work. Office-based work is more intentional with employees coming on-site to attend meetings or accomplish a specific objective. The hybrid office is a primary destination for team meetings, social gatherings, highly collaborative project meetings and creative brainstorming. 

To support this new office dynamic, organizations must rethink their physical spaces to accommodate more meeting rooms and huddle spaces and fewer assigned cubicles and desks. These spaces need to be equipped with easy-to-use videoconferencing technology as nearly every meeting includes at least one remote participant. Implementing IoT sensors throughout the office can help leaders optimize their physical spaces by effectively monitor meeting room usage, entry and exit points, and even air quality and ventilation with real-time alerts and analytics.

Organizations must also determine which spaces require a reservation and which are first come, first serve. Office hoteling applications and room reservation systems allow employees to easily pre-book spaces or desks so they can ensure maximum productivity on the days they are in the office.  

Watch how Appspace, the market leader in space management, reservation systems and digital signage, can enable a safe reopening.
Watch how Appspace, the market leader in space management, reservation systems and digital signage, can enable a safe reopening.

Lastly, organizations should consider implementing wayfinding technology to provide interactive maps throughout the office. Given the changes we've discussed so far, your hybrid office might look different from the pre-pandemic office. Wayfinding and digital signage solutions can help employees orient themselves to the new office layout and avoid wasting time trying to find teammates and locate their next meeting.

3. Employee access to business-critical tools and applications 

In a hybrid work model, organizations must empower their employees to be productive from any location. This means providing access to applications from anywhere, at any time, on any device. 

During the pandemic, many organizations relied on subpar VPN connections to enable employees to work from home and maintain business continuity. Now it's time to shift to a long-term solution. 

Leveraging a modern device management platform like VMware's Workspace ONE or Microsoft's Modern Workplace provides many benefits for managing a geo-diverse workforce.  

Organizations can virtualize applications and desktops to deliver high-performance user experiences without the need for full-device VPN connections. Employees can continue supporting the business from wherever they are, and with any available device.  

Learn how Workspace ONE helped WWT's internal IT team overcome common endpoint device management challenges and simplify IT tasks.
Learn how Workspace ONE helped WWT's internal IT team overcome common endpoint device management challenges and simplify IT tasks.

These platforms also allow organizations to better manage devices, both on and off the network. If an employee works remotely for an extended period of time and never connects to the VPN, organizations can still manage and secure the device to keep it compliant.  

Finally, modern management platforms provide employees with a personalized application catalog that includes the business-critical applications they need to do their jobs. As employees rotate between the office and remote work, this allows them to seamlessly access the tools they need to be productive.   

4. Improved and secure office connectivity

Employees need consistent connectivity, performance and access to critical applications in the office, at home or wherever work takes them.  

Wireless connectivity within the hybrid office  

Many office wireless networks are designed primarily for coverage, guest access, and connectivity in conference rooms and common areas, but not for the capacity or density needed to support mobile and collaborative employees. 

As organizations update their offices to include more huddle spaces and shared visual spaces, their wireless networks must expand to support open floor plans and connectivity from any area within the building.  

Wireless connectivity must be available for all devices and spaces when moving to a hybrid office.


Organizations must also consider that employees returning to the office have become accustomed to using voice, video and team workspace applications on their devices, which will put additional strain on office networks. At the same time, employee safety solutions such as IoT sensors and wayfinding, will all need to connect through an organization's wireless network. 

Leveraging new technology standards like Wi-Fi 6 can help organizations avoid a capacity crunch, ensure greater connectivity speed and ultimately provide employees with great application experiences.

Secure access wherever employees are located  

Many organizations are already leveraging SD-WAN architectures to better support geo-diverse workforces, quickly provision remote offices and temporary locations, troubleshoot remotely, and apply segmentation policies to control access permissions. However, in a hybrid work model, organizations must consider ways to provide employees with more consistent and predictable secure access from anywhere. 

Concepts like secure access service edge (SASE) and zero trust can help organizations adapt to a fluctuating network edge; apply consistent security policies, regardless of where the end user is located; and protect against threats, both inside and outside of the organization's four walls. 

Optimize hybrid work with complete confidence 

There is much to consider when optimizing your hybrid work model. Organizations must identify the right mix of remote and on-site employees; understand how employees will collaborate, connect and access the tools they need; and optimize their physical spaces accordingly. 

At WWT, we understand each office faces its own unique set of challenges and considerations. We can help guide you through these four success factors and identify the right technologies for your organization so you can improve the digital employee experience.

Identify and prioritize tactical steps for hybrid work success. Request briefing